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Missing hashrate data

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 5:24 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
Unfortunately, the hashrate data at the top of the forums and on the "Live Pool Status" page does not seem to be displaying with live updates currently.

I spent the day investigating the problem, but was not able to determine the cause. I will try again tomorrow. No money is being lost, the customer dashboard is working fine, and mining continues as normal.

Re: Missing hashrate data

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 7:22 pm
by Banished_Privateer
I had weird issues lately where on the main page any live data would not update and wherever I click anything, it forwards me to this page: (with the hash at the end in link)

The temporary solution that fixes it usually is clearing cookies or relogging again, but it's odd because it did not occur in previous months.

Re: Missing hashrate data

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 10:58 pm
by greenwaretrust
Using Scrypt Asic and seen some unusual numbers a day or two before the data not displaying.

The data would drop down to profitability of the main coin for a time even though Doge was over 1.00 a MH/s /Day

I thought it works like adding the merged coins to the primary coin minus the fees for the profitability number. Maybe I'm wrong but for sake of easy math if Doge is at 1.00c per Mh per Day and LTC is at 0.3c per MH per day wouldn't I expect 1.3c per MH per day minus the pool fees instead of what was being displayed as the payout of just LTC?

Re: Missing hashrate data

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 5:35 pm
by greenwaretrust
Everything looks back to normal on my end. I have faith in you guys that the actual payouts are accurate despite the display discrepancy.

Hats off to you Steve and the team, Thank you for all the work you guys do.

Re: Missing hashrate data

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 7:20 am
by Steve Sokolowski
Chris upgraded the system's Crossbar live data server a few days ago, and it started experiencing weird bugs, but only for external users. Because the internal monitoring system, as well as the share inserters, weren't affected, none of the automated checks were triggered.

I spent about 20 hours trying to reduce the amount of data being transmitted over the live data server, thinking that the reason there were weird disconnects was because too much data was being transmitted. Then, I released the changes, and the problem got worse, so I spent the entire weekend looking at those changes and wasn't able to figure out what was wrong with them.

That, of course, is because Crossbar was wrong, not the changes I made. Chris reverted the version of Crossbar and everything is back to normal. We also have the bonus of about 90% less data being sent across one of the realms, too.