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Status as of Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:15 am
by Steve Sokolowski
Good morning! Here's a heads up on a few things we're working on.
  • I'm working on Ethash mining. I spent the day yesterday on research and think that we should be able to get this done in about a month.
  • Vance is working on adding every exchange that has the six functions we require (buy, sell, get deep price, deposit, withdrawal, and get exchange's current daemon block number.) HitBTC is already active and has increased profitability slightly, particularly on SHA-256, because of its higher prices for some SHA-256 coins. Binance will be next.
  • Constance is fixing issues with the website. There is a paging problem when new data comes in for "live worker status," and the "worker history" chart, which is currently too slow for use by many miners, is nearing completion.
  • We resolved the manual payouts issue with equihash coins by creating an "unshielding" script for mined blocks. Litecoin Cash is still in manual payouts mode until the seven decimal places issue can be automated.
  • Chris is working on the data entry for the exchanges Vance is implementing. Besides entering data into the database, the most time-consuming part is determining which algorithm each coin on the exchanges uses. We've found that many coins are ERC20 tokens, which cannot be mined, but still need to be researched and crossed off the list.