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Looking for assistance in reproducing bug - double pay

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:36 am
by Steve Sokolowski
I'm looking for assistance in resolving another bug that seems to only occur with miners that have huge hashrates. It seems to have the same symptoms as the other one that is waiting to be resolved: "share is above target" errors. These miners also receive "job not found" (stale share) errors as well.

If you can reproduce this issue, please get in contact with us by replying to this post. We'll pay a volunteer twice the value of his or her lost time, even if most shares are rejected (currently, about 0.0005 or 19 cents). Most likely, you would just point miners towards our development server for an hour during some evening, and after the hour is over, you change it back. Chris has been unsuccessful in reproducing the issue in either production or development, so paying a miner who is having this problem is the best solution.

Re: Looking for assistance in reproducing bug - double pay

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:45 pm
by Chris Sokolowski
We believe we have resolved this issue, so for now the offer is closed. We appreciate anyone who considered this, and we will keep you updated on the impending changes.