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cgminer config to mine BSV

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:50 pm
by kent808
Can anyone share their cgminer config to mine BSV? Specifically I don't know how to use the password value of c=bitcoinsv,i=r606 that the miner configuration page notes when I select BitcoinSV and GekkoScience as my rig.


Re: cgminer config to mine BSV

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:52 am
by Dr Greg
Hi, Happy to help but keep a few things in mind

1) If your using windows , your kinda screwed . Zadig and all the other nasty stuff makes your R606 unusable. The setup below is a Linux setup.
2) if your using wifi pack the whole thing up and forget it, you HAVE to use ethernet . Wi Fi will never get you a decent hashrate and it will drop the pool connection every 2 minutes.

This is my config

./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u XXXXXXXXXXXXX -p a=sha-256,n=XXXXXXXX,i=r606 --widescreen --net-delay --gekko-newpac-detect --gekko-newpac-freq 585 --gekko-r606-detect --gekko-r606-freq 735

As im using three R606 and 19 newpacs you dont need everything I listed.

3) After the -u put in your prohashing user name (NOT your email address, after the n=give the worker a name so you can see it on the dashboard.

4) Your set up for BSV and with all the other carry on missing would look like this

./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u XXXXXXXXXXXX -p a=sha-256,c=bitcoinsv,m=pplns,i=r606 ,n=XXXXXXX, --widescreen ---gekko-r606-detect --gekko-r606-freq 735

if you want to mine solo then change the m=pplns to m=solo, or if you want to static mine only bitcoinSV (which would make your earning much lower, it would be m=pps)

Hope this helps

Re: cgminer config to mine BSV

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:00 am
by isislu
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for the answers.