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Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 2:32 pm
by Aura89
I know this question has been asked before and i believe answered with a no due to complications with the blake256r14 and blake2b algorithm, but i'm here asking again, because i would be 100% willing to bring my miners back to prohashing if decred was a payable coin, as well if decred coin be mined here.

Same goes for siacoin, i would bring my siacoin miners over here if decred was a payable coin as well.

I understand you said no before, but before saying no this time, could you leave it up to your pool miners to vote? Create a vote that says something like:

Would you benefit from:
1 A decred pool
2 A siacoin pool
3 Both
4 Currently i would benefit from none, but i would like both of these pools to be added
5 I do not want either of these pools, they are worthless to me

With the amount of ASICs coming online for both decred and siacoin every day, and specifically with the uncertainty of siacoins price, i'm certain people will come to this pool to mine with their machines and get paid with something more promising.

Re: Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 2:58 pm
by CSZiggy
why bother, no one cares.

Re: Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 4:20 pm
by DuncanBoaz
Upvote to All of the above.

Re: Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 8:19 pm
by Eyedol-X
+1 to this

Re: Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 7:43 am
by GregoryGHarding
add Tensority and we have a +1 here too

Re: Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 9:26 am
by Steve Sokolowski
CSZiggy wrote:Add this to your vote and this would be my answer.

6. I would support addition of any new coins/algos as long as resources weren't taken away from increasing the profits of the current customers and the coins/algo already in place.
Theoretically, any effort put towards new algorithms will always take away profitability from existing customers, because we could instead spend the money on optimizing the current algorithms.

That said, I hope that eventually there will be a point where the amount to be gained from optimizing existing algorithms becomes so low that it isn't worth doing anymore. Fortunately for customers, that point hasn't been reached yet, so you can expect continuing gains in the future. Hopefully, though, the future won't see the market so flooded with L3 miners that profitability falls to 0.1 cents anyway.

Re: Decred pool question, again, please read Steve Sokolowski

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 11:21 pm
by hashcrown
+1 for decred